Your home

Your Home

Lots of Kiwi houses aren’t properly insulated to protect against the cold, so it can be tough to heat and keep your home warm in winter.

The state of your home can make a massive difference in the health of you and your whānau and your power bill.

Here’s a checklist of things for you to check to make sure your whare (house) isn’t adding more to your power bill



First, check if your home is insulated. This is the most important thing you can do to make sure your home isn’t losing heat. All rental properties must be insulated by law— you can read more about your rights as a tenant here.



Use your curtains! Opening your curtains when the sun’s up and closing them before sunset helps you make the most of the natural heat from the sun. Double layered or thick curtains that sit close to the window and extend all the way to the floor to this job best.



Seal up any cracks and gaps in your house to keep the hot air inside and the cold air out. A good place to look is around your doors and windows. You can seal up your windows with some draught tape from a hardware store and use a draught stopper in front of your door. You could even make your own draught stopper by rolling up a towel or stuffing an old rugby sock!.



Ventilate your space – it’s much harder to heat damp air so you’ll end up using more electricity to keep warm. Make sure there’s a way for damp air to leave while you’re cooking and showering by opening a window or using an extractor fan.

Check out the GenLess website for more resources and information about support that is available to keep your home warm and healthy

View the GenLess website here »   

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